Lymphedema Management
At Dove Physical Therapy
Dove Physical Therapy, LLC is an outpatient physical therapy clinic that specializes in treating and managing lymphedema. DovePT provides a non-surgical treatment called Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) which includes manual therapy such as Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) using the Vodder Technique, compression bandaging and/or garment(s), therapeutic exercises, and skin care. Specialized lymphedema products are optional but are strongly recommended, if medically necessary, to aid in the management of lymphedema.
Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) Components:
Manual Therapy
There are two basic types of manual therapy used to treat lymphedema:
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a specific and gentle form of manual therapy utilizing the Vodder Technique and specific sequences that help move the fluid to other parts of the body for clearance. You should only perform self-MLD if you have been instructed by a Certified Lymphedema Therapist.
Soft tissue mobilization (myofascial release) is a type of manual therapy performed by a physical therapist to loosen scar tissue and other tightness that may cause swelling.
Compression Bandaging
Cotton, short-stretch bandages are used to put constant pressure on the involved, swollen arm or leg.
Therapeutic Exercise(s)
Stretches and exercises can help loosen the tissues and improve strength; and range-of-motion can help fluid flow more easily. Exercise may also be helpful with weight control, which is an important part of Lymphedema Therapy. A Certified Lymphedema Therapist can help develop a program that is right for you.
Skin Care (Education)
It is important to take special care of your arm(s) or leg(s) to help reduce the risk of injury and infection. Keep your involved arm(s) or leg(s) clean and use lotion daily to prevent dryness and cracked skin.